Ray Williamson Pool Rehabilitation Information

The Ray Williamson Pool is undergoing rehabilitatation in its current configuration. The project is crucial in ensuring that the pool can continue to meet the needs of our growing community.

Pool Rehabilitation Details

The project is officially under contract, and contractors are hard at work. We are actively rehabilitating the pool while it remains operational.

The extensive rehabilitation will enhance the pool’s functionality and safety. All systems are being renovated and updated. The Ray Williamson pool portion of the Aquatic Center will see a significant overhaul of HVAC, pool filtration systems, and more.

This comprehensive project will extend the life of the pool by a minimum of 20 years, ensuring that it remains a vital resource for our community.

Looking Ahead

Our goal is to keep the pool closed for the shortest time possible. We anticipate an early 2025 shutdown, with the entire project expected to be completed by summer/fall 2026. We continuously update the timeline as we progress, so we encourage you to stay tuned for the latest information. Please note that the Don Nakata Pool area will remain open and unaffected during this renovation period.

We appreciate your patience and support as we undertake this vital project to improve our aquatic facilities. We look forward to many enjoyable years at the Ray Williamson Pool!

Weekly Rehabilitation Project Update – February 2025

Overview: This update provides the latest information on the progress of the Ray Williamson pool rehabilitation. We appreciate your continued support and understanding as we enhance our facility.
Progress Highlights:
  • Upper Windows: The upper windows have been removed and boarded up in preparation for replacement. They will be replaced with translucent panels, which will allow for improved natural light while maintaining privacy.
  • Flat Roof Work: Work is currently underway on the flat roof, which has exceeded its useful life. The old roofing has been removed and re-installed to ensure a durable and weather-resistant surface.
  • Locker Room Renovation: The locker rooms have been completely gutted, paving the way for the upcoming renovations.
  • Demo Phase: We are pleased to report that we are beyond most of the major demolition work and have transitioned into the reconstruction phase.
  • Concrete pour is completed.
  • Plumbing: Under-slab plumbing is complete. Rough plumbing work is completed.
  • Framing and Insulation is done.
  • HVAC: The DOAS and ODU1 are installed on the roof.
  • Roof: They have finished the roofing and continue to install rooftop equipment.
  • Sprinkler: installation is complete and has passed testing.

Current Work:

  • HVAC: The HVAC system work is continuing.
  • Drywall: Taping and mudding is in process.
  • Doors and door frames are being painted before installation.

Upcoming Activities:

  • Painting will begin shortly.
  • Phase 2: Draft documents are in for review.
  • Electrical and lighting will be installed.
  • Full pool closure begins March 3.

Construction Photos

Drywall has been installed in the lobby. 

Brickwork has concluded on this outside wall. 


The hallways are ready for new paint.

Pool Rehabilitation Frequently Asked Questions

What's going on at the Ray Williamson pool? What is this construction for?

The Ray Williamson pool was built in 1970 and has continued operating for over 50 years. However, the electrical and heating/cooling systems have reached the end of their lives. This project will extend the life of the Ray Williamson pool for a minimum of 20 years. It includes various improvements with specific lifespans and warranties. This is a complete rehabilitation project for the existing 50-year-old pool. The work currently being completed is electrical, roof replacement, back-office upgrade, HVAC system replacement, and window replacement.

What is the anticipated long-term closure date for the Ray Williamson facility?

Our anticipated closure date for the Ray Williamson pool is March 3, 2025. How long the pool remains closed depends on many factors. As February approaches, we will refine the closure period. A much firmer timeline will become more apparent when the next phase of the project contractors and subcontractors are selected.

When will you release the schedule for the Don Nakata Pool during the closure? Will it change or stay the same?

As always, the schedule will change with the seasons and occasionally around competitive team needs. For the most current updates, subscribe to the Aquatic Center weekly pool splash report sent out every Friday at 4pm. Be sure to check the pool schedule on Google Calendar before every visit. We are currently working with user groups to determine their space needs and how we might use other resources and offsite locations during our closure.  While user groups may announce their schedules earlier to their participants, we release our pool closure schedule to the public on January 17, 2025.

During the closure, will there be extended operating hours in the Don Nakata pool?

We have alternative plans to open earlier and close later, specifically on weekends, in an effort to accommodate the growing need for space.

Can you explain the closure requirements?

Contractors establish closure requirements through their construction means and methods. The Park District is committed to minimal closures and makes this goal a consideration in selecting and negotiating with construction contractors. Closure information will be updated whenever schedules are available to the Park District.

What will happen to the swimmers and groups that use the Ray Williamson pool?

The Don Nakata pool schedule will be changed to incorporate swimmers from those user groups (lap swim, high school, Water Polo, Masters (BAM), and youth swim team (BISC). We will make a fair and equitable plan for all swimmers. Everyone can plan for tight spacing and a lot of sharing.  Working together, we will create space for the community to continue swimming.

How will the traditional Don Nakata pool programs be affected during the closure?

While incorporating more programs into the Don Nakata pool, we have heavily emphasized the programs currently running in that space.  Water exercise classes, swimming lessons, and Family/Open Swim times will not decrease.

Can I still use the dive tank (deep end), beach area, and lazy river in the Don Nakata pool while the lap lanes are occupied?

Yes, however, there will be a set schedule for those spaces, as they are also booked for some program times.

Will the temperature in the Don Nakata Pool decrease during the closure?

In most aquatic facilities, a competitive lap pool is kept at 78-81 degrees, and a recreational/lesson pool at 87-92 degrees. The Don Nakata pool was built as both a lap pool and recreational pool and is already kept at a median temperature of 84 degrees. We can’t lower the temperature as we service children and older adults in that space.

Will high school swimming teams still have access to Don Nakata Pool during the closure?

We will honor our relationship with the approved High School teams. They will also need to be flexible with timing, but the Aquatic Center will prioritize them.

Can I swim at the BIRC while the Ray Williamson pool is closed?

The BIRC pool is a summer seasonal space, and you are more than welcome to explore membership or a day pass at that location and use the pool.  The BIRC pool traditionally opens on May 1 and closes on September 30.

What will happen to the aquatic staff during the closure? Will there be a reduction in staff?

The Park District intends to keep all full-time staff as employees, regardless of the pool closure periods.  As the closure period continues, part-time staff needs will be analyzed quarterly.

What services will be discontinued at the Don Nakata Pool during the closure?

We will make an effort to accommodate everyone; however, private/commercial rentals and one-time user groups may be difficult to schedule.

Will prices change during the closure period?

Besides the normal yearly increase, there is no current plan to increase pricing.  As always, pricing, spacing, and schedules will be reassessed seasonally.

What happens if I purchased a six-month or 12-month pool pass or punch card and I do not want to swim during the closure period?


If you purchased a punch pass and don’t visit during the closure period, it will not expire. You can use it when the Ray Williamson pool closure period is over.  If you have purchased a six or 12-month pass and would like to pause it until the closure period ends, please email mlemaster@biparks.org. Please note that we can’t pause and un-pause passes repeatedly. One pause per pass will be accommodated.  Per our policy, no refunds will be given for any pass unless for sickness/injury with a doctor’s note.

What offsite locations are available during the Ray Williamson pool closure?
If you do not find the allocated Don Nakata pool lap and recreational spacing appropriate for your needs during the closure, here’s a list of other local pools that you can explore:

Bainbridge Island Recreation Center – Bainbridge (summer seasonal)
Bremerton Family YMCA – Bremerton
Haselwood YMCA – Silverdale
Kitsap Tennis and Athletic Center – Bremerton
North Kitsap Community Pool – Poulsbo
Olympic Aquatic Center – Silverdale
Pleasant Beach Village – Bainbridge (summer seasonal)
Wing Point Golf and Country Club – Bainbridge (summer seasonal)

Project Contacts

For questions or comments regarding the closure schedule or programming, please contact:

Jenette Reneau – Aquatic Administrator      jenetter@biparks.org

For questions regarding pool construction details please contact:

 Michael Omans – Facilities Maintenance Manager   michaelo@biparks.com